More biostimulant action and improvements in root structure and root surface area in citrus crops.
Trials with Megaprime have improved soil communities and increased the root system in these crops.
Vellsam Materias Bioactivas has achieved a greater biostimulant action and improvements in root structure and surface area in citrus crops in trials carried out in farms in the Bajo Andarax region, in the province of Almeria, one of the largest production areas of these fruits in Spain.
The results of these trials, which have been carried out with Megaprime applications, have shown a considerable increase in the communities, especially in those populations of beneficial bacteria and fungi. Specifically, an increase in nitrogen-fixing microorganisms and those responsible for the mineralization of inorganic phosphorus in the soil was observed. This allows a better assimilation of nutrients by the root system, which results in an optimal nutritional state in the leaf.
Both with this soil properties improving effect and with its biostimulant effect, it is possible to increase leaf density and chlorophyll content, a factor of great importance for the production of a high photosynthetic rate that results in a higher crop yield and that is able to produce a greater amount of photoassimilates, which the leaf feeds on to fatten the fruits.
Megaprime applications were made via the root in each experimental plot, with a minimum of three applications at a dose of 4 l/ha, by fertigation and an extra foliar application at 22 cc/hl, starting at the beginning of sprouting, while the following treatments were spaced between 21 and 25 days. Soil analyses were conducted prior to the start of treatments and at four weeks after the last application to evaluate the impact of the use of this Vellsam solution on soil microbiological populations.
Megaprime is a product of natural origin formulated as a liquid biofertilizer, whose main function in the soil is the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen as free bacteria and the solubilization of phosphorus and potassium, increasing the absorption of nutrients. Its formulation based on microorganisms promotes the metabolic activity of the plant at the root level, increases nutrient absorption, increases physiological activity, stimulates vegetative growth and increases the number and length of lateral roots.